Flemish Bowhunting Association (FBA)

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The Flemish Bowhunting Association (FBA) has the ambition to promote the safe and responsible bow hunting. The FBA was founded in 2013 with the goal to establish in the Flemish speaking part of Belgium an education platform to promote the safe and responsible bow hunting.
The FBA has currently 8 international certified bow hunting instructors and organizes on a regular basis bowhunting courses and workshops with the goal to promote the knowledge, responsibility and security of bow hunting.
The FBA is a member of the Belgian Bowhunting Federation (BBF) and together with its sister organazation the Fédération Walonne des Chasseurs à l'arc (FWCA) we work to establish a respectful and responsible education platform for bow hunting.
More information can be found on the website of the FBA: http://www.FlemishBowhunting.be